2 days ago, Antonio Duarte
sms principals and Board member Delgadillo
migrant advisors
sms athletics
sms wrestling coach
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, Open House dates and times! Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, ¡aqui estan los dias y horas de Open House!
3 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Open House Dates and times
Dear BTS Parents, here is the supply list for Bravie T Soto's Champ Classroom. Estimados Padres de BTS, aqui esta la lista de utiles de la Clase Champ de Bravie T Soto.
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, dress codes here! ¡Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, los codigos de vestimenta/uniformes aqui!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Deas SVS Parents, Sun Valley's Open House will be Monday, July 29th from 4:00-6:00PM. We hope to see you there! Estimados Padres de SVS, el Open House de Sun Valley sera el lunes 29 de julio, de 4:00-6:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
open house
Good morning, BTS Parents! Bravie T Soto's Open House will be Monday, July 29th, 2024 from 1:00-4:00PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de BTS! El Open House de Bravie T Soto sera el lunes, 29 de julio del 2024 de 1:00-4:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Good morning, ELC Parents! Encanto Learning Center's Open House will be Friday, July 26th, 2024 from 4:00-6:00PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de ELC! El Open House de Encanto Learning Center sera el viernes, 26 de julio del 2024 de 4:00-6:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Good morning, TDS Parents! Tierra de Sol's Open House will be Friday, July 26th, 2024 from 3:00PM- 5:00PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de TDS! El Open House de Tierra del Sol sera el viernes, 26 de julio del 2024 de 3:00-5:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Good morning, DSS Parents! Desert Sonora's Open House will be Friday, July 26th, 2024 from 4:00PM-5:00PM, and from 5:00PM-6:00PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de DSS! El Open House de Desert Sonora sera el viernes, 26 de julio del 2024 de 4:00PM-5:00PM, y de 5:00PM-6:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
open house
Good morning, OGS Parents! Orange Grove Open House will be Monday July 29th, 2024 from 1:30-4:30PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de OGS! El Open House de Orange Grove sera el lunes, 29 de julio del 2024 de 1:30-4:30PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
open house
Good morning, SMS Parents! Somerton Middle School Open House will be Thursday, July 25th, 2024 from 5:30-7:00PM. We hope to see you there! ¡Buenos dias, Padres de SMS! El Open House de Somerton Middle School sera el jueves, 25 de julio del 2024 de 5:30-7:00PM. Esperamos verlos ahi!
8 days ago, Somerton School District #11
open house
OELAS Training Entrenamiento OELAS
10 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Our new Superintendent, Omar Duron, and our Assistant Superintendent, Kim Seh, with the district leadership walking through our schools to secure our sites are ready for our students! "Together, with rigor, we thrive!" ¡Nuestro nuevo Superintendente, Omar Duron, junto a nuestra Asistente Superintendente, Kim Seh, con el equipo de liderazgo del distrito caminando por nuestras escuelas para asegurarnos que esten listas para nuestros estudiantes! "¡Juntos, con rigor, prosperamos!"
10 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Our new teachers are treated to a phenomenal fourth day of training learning Capturing Kids Hearts program to ensure strong and caring support systems are developed in each classroom! "Together, with rigor, we thrive!" ¡Nuestros nuevos maestros disfrutan de un fenomenal cuarto día de capacitación y aprendizaje del programa Capturing Kids Hearts para garantizar que se desarrollen sistemas de apoyo sólidos y afectuosos en cada salón de clases! "¡Juntos, con rigor, prosperamos!"
10 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Today, our Assistant Superintendent, Mrs Seh conducted the Capturing Kids' Hearts Training with our Leadership Team. The Somerton School District has been implementing CKH in our schools, and it has been National Showcase. "Changing lives by Capturing Hearts! One Heart at a Time! " Hoy, nuestra Asistente Superintendente, la Sra Seh condujo el Entrenamiento de Capturing Kids' Hearts (Capturando Los Corazones de los Niños) con nuestro equipo de liderazgo. El Distrito de Somerton ah estado implementando este programa en nuestras escuelas y ha sido reconocido a nivel nacional. "¡Cambiando vidas capturando corazones! ¡Un corazon a la vez!"
11 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, El Rodeo de Regreso a Clases sera el 20 de Julio. Mas informacion aqui--->
12 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, Back to School Rodeo will be July 20th. More information here--->
12 days ago, Somerton School District #11
New Teacher Induction 2024
12 days ago, Antonio Duarte
New teachers at Cocopah Reservation
Today the schools' leadership teams join Mr. Duron and Mrs. Seh in our district's First Admin Summit where conversation and reflection revolve around student data, instructional support, and resources that will set our schools to succeed! "Together with Rigor we Thrive!" Hoy, los equipos de liderazgo de las escuelas se unen al Sr. Duron y a la Sra. Seh en la Primera Cumbre de Administradores de nuestro distrito, donde la conversación y la reflexión giran en torno a la data de los estudiantes, el apoyo educativo y los recursos que harán que nuestras escuelas tengan éxito. "¡Juntos con Rigor Prosperamos!
12 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Admin Summit
Our Governing Board President, Mr. Juan Castillo welcomes our new teachers to the Somerton School District and encourages them and reiterates the unique support they will receive. "Together With Rigor We Thrive" Nuestro Presidente de la Mesa Directiva, el Sr Juan Castillo les da la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos maestros al Distrito Escolar de Somerton y los alienta y reitera el apoyo que recibirán. "Juntos con Rigor Prosperamos"
12 days ago, Somerton School District #11
Juan Castillo