Lets take a moment this week to celebrate and express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible school counselors. Your dedication, compassion, and unwavering support make a difference in the lives of students every single day. You are mentors, advocates, problem-solvers, and a source of strength for so many.
Thank you for guiding our students towards their dreams, lending a listening ear, and empowering them to overcome challenges. Your work does not go unnoticed, and our school is stronger because of you.
We are truly lucky to have you on our team!

On Saturday, March 15th, Somerton School District #11 will be hosting its Annual Yard Sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A variety of items will be available for sale, including iPads, cameras, desks, refrigerators, ovens, AC units, and more. Accepted payment methods will include cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders.

Our district proudly celebrated this month's Somerton Thriving Achievers during a joyous event at Orange Grove Elementary School! This celebration serves as a wonderful opportunity to showcase the incredible achievements of our students and the unwavering support of our community. Congratulations to all of this month's honorees!
Nuestro distrito celebró con orgullo a los Somerton Thriving Achievers de este mes durante un alegre evento en la Escuela Primaria Orange Grove. Esta celebración es una maravillosa oportunidad para destacar los increíbles logros de nuestros estudiantes y el inquebrantable apoyo de nuestra comunidad. ¡Felicidades a todos los homenajeados de este mes!

Coffee and Convos with the Superintendent: We had another amazing session with parents and community members, where Mr. Duron and his team shared valuable information about the upcoming testing season, the new SRO grant, and took time to address parent questions.
We invite you to join us at our next event on February 20, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. in the district boardroom.
We look forward to seeing you there!

This is a friendly reminder that we have Coffee & Convos with the Superintendent coming up on Thursday, January 23rd, at 10:00 a.m.
We hope you can join us for this engaging opportunity to connect and share ideas.
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que tendremos Coffee & Convos con el Superintendente el próximo jueves, 23 de enero, a las 10:00 a.m.
Esperamos que pueda acompañarnos en esta oportunidad enriquecedora para conectarnos y compartir ideas.

Happy School Board Appreciation Month!
Thank you for your dedication and unwavering commitment to our school district and the Somerton community. Your leadership makes a lasting impact on the success of our students and schools!
We truly appreciate all that you do! 🌟

At last night’s Board meeting, the Somerton School District proudly recognized the ELC and SVS Robotics Team for advancing to the Championship.
Let’s wish them the best of luck this weekend in Phoenix!
Go Team!

Thank you for your service, dedication, and commitment to our district and community!
Happy Law Enforcement Day to Deputy Paz, Officer Castillo, and Officer Marquez.
We appreciate all that you do to keep us safe!
¡Gracias por su servicio, dedicación y compromiso con nuestro distrito y comunidad!
Feliz Día de las Fuerzas del Orden a el Diputado Paz, el Oficial Castillo y la Oficial Márquez.
¡Apreciamos todo lo que hacen para mantenernos seguros!

Congratulations to Juan Castillo, President; Lorena Delgadillo, Clerk; and Cristina Clark, Member, on their re-election to the Somerton School District #11 Board.
The SSD#11 Administration was proudly present during the Swearing-In Ceremony of these dedicated officials.
Our district sincerely thanks you for your continued commitment and service!
Felicitamos a Juan Castillo, Presidente; Lorena Delgadillo, Secretaria; y Cristina Clark, Miembro, por su reelección a la Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar de Somerton #11.
La Administración del SSD#11 estuvo orgullosamente presente durante la Ceremonia de Juramento de estos dedicados funcionarios.
¡Nuestro distrito les agradece sinceramente por su continuo compromiso y servicio!

The Somerton School District is beyond proud of Mr. Felix!
Thank you for the magnificent impact you have on students every day!

Join the Superintendent for Coffee and Conversations on January 23, 2025. We look forward to seeing you there!
¡Únase a nosotros para tomar café y para conversar con el Superintendente! El 23 de enero del 2025. ¡Esperamos verlo allí!

The SSD#11 Superintendents hosted the second Coffee & Convos this past Thursday, December 12th. Thank you families in attendance! Our next one will be January 23, 2025. Mark your calendars! Happy Holidays!
Los Superintendentes del Distrito Escolar SSD#11 organizó el segundo evento de Cafe & Conversaciones el pasado jueves 12 de diciembre. ¡Gracias a las familias que asistieron! Nuestro próximo evento será el 23 de enero de 2025. ¡Marquen sus calendarios! ¡Felices fiestas!

The Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) graciously featured the Somerton School District #11 in their series "District Highlights!" SSD#11 always striving for excellence! Thank you ASBA! Together, With Rigor, We Thrive!
Here is a link to the full feature.

Let’s give a big round of applause to our ELC BIONIC STAR Robotics Team!🎉👏🏼⭐️ Today, the team competed at the LEGO First Challenge Competition at Fourth Avenue Jr. High in Yuma, AZ. The BIONIC STARS did an incredible job and are advancing to state!💪🏼 Phoenix, here they come!👍 The BIONIC STARS received two 1st place awards!🏆 🏆 1st place in the Robot Game Challenge and 1st place in the Core Values Presentation. We are so proud of of the students for their hard work, dedication, practice and determination. Big shout out to the amazing coaches, Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Olivas! Thank you for your dedication, hard work, guidance and the support given to the team. As always, we are proud of your accomplishments⭐️
¡Vamos a dar un gran aplauso a nuestro equipo de BIONIC STAR Robotics! 🎉👏🏼⭐️ Hoy, el equipo compitió en la competencia LEGO First Challenge en Fourth Avenue Jr. High en Yuma, AZ. ¡Los BIONIC STARS hicieron un trabajo increíble y están avanzando al estado! 💪🏼 Phoenix, ¡aquí vienen! 👍 ¡Los BIONIC STARS recibieron dos premios de 1er lugar! 🏆 🏆 1er lugar en el Robot Game Challenge y 1er lugar en la Presentación de Valores Básicos. Estamos muy orgullosos de los estudiantes por su arduo trabajo, dedicación, práctica y determinación. ¡Un gran saludo a los increíbles entrenadores, el Sr. Hernández y la Sra. Olivas! Gracias por su dedicación, arduo trabajo, orientación y apoyo al equipo. Como siempre, estamos orgullosos de tus logros⭐️
#elcstars #shiningstars #shiningbright #bionicstars #legos #somerton

Yesterday, our elementary schools got a surprise visit from a couple of friends from the North Pole and one very green friend from Whoville. They took pictures with our students and wished them a Merry Christmas!
Ayer, nuestras escuelas primarias recibieron una visita sorpresa de unos amigos del Polo Norte y un amigo muy verde de Whoville. Se tomaron fotos con los estudiantes y les desearon una ¡Feliz Navidad!

Happy Holidays!
A Big Thank You to Riedel Construction and Associates!
We are beyond grateful to Riedel Construction and Associates for their incredible generosity in donating 110 bicycles to our students!
Your kindness is truly making a difference in our community, and we couldn't be more excited to see these bikes bring joy and new adventures to our students!
Thank you, Riedel Construction and Associates, for your continued support and commitment to our district!
¡Felices Fiestas Navideñas!
Muchas Gracias a Riedel Construction y Asociados!
Estamos más que agradecidos con Riedel Construction y Asociados por su increíble generosidad al donar 110 bicicletas a nuestros estudiantes!
Su amabilidad realmente está marcando una diferencia en nuestra comunidad y no podríamos estar más emocionados de ver que estas bicicletas traen alegría y nuevas aventuras a nuestros estudiantes!
Gracias, Riedel Construction y Asociados por su continuo apoyo y compromiso con nuestro distrito!

Last week, SMS hosted a very special event where only one student from every school is selected and recognized as a thriving achiever. The students were joined by their parents, teachers, and principals to award them with a certificate for their great behavior and dedication to being outstanding students.
Congratulations to all students who were celebrated. Keep being amazing!

Out of 16 schools ranging from 5th through 8th grade students, SVS won the overall CHAMPIONS’ AND PEER AWARD at the The FIRST Lego League Robotics’ Competition.
The CHAMPIONS AWARD celebrates a team that embodies FIRST Lego League Challenge experience by fully embracing the core values while achieving excellence and innovation in robot performance, robot design, and innovation project. The CHAMPION AWARD is the highest award given at this competition.
Congratulations to the SVS Robotics Team! Wishing them good luck as they advance to the state competition!

In recognition of Substitute Educators Appreciation Day, we want to celebrate and thank our incredible Substitute Teachers for their commitment to supporting our students and teachers. Your flexibility, dedication, and commitment is truly appreciated. Together, with rigor, we thrive!
En reconocimiento del Día de Apreciación de los Substitutos Educadores, queremos celebrar y agradecer por brindar su apoyo a nuestros estudiantes y maestros. Su flexibilidad, dedicacion, y compromiso es verdaderamente apreciado. ¡Juntos, con rigor, prosperamos!

The Somerton School District extends its heartfelt gratitude to Avenir for their generosity. Thanks to their kindness, twelve of our families will receive food baskets this Thanksgiving holiday.
El Distrito Escolar de Somerton expresa su más sincero agradecimiento a Avenir por su generosidad. Gracias a su amabilidad, doce de nuestras familias recibirán canastas de alimentos durante este Día de Acción de Gracias.