SSD Board Members

A) To increase academic achievement for all students.
Measure: Schools will receive a letter grade of B or better and an Arizona Profile of Performing Plus or better.
B) Provide a school climate where all students, staff and parents are valued, safe, and motivated.
Measure: Survey results of students, staff, and parents must be 80% positive or better.
C) To recruit and retain a quality certified staff.
Measure: Schools, and the District, shall not have a certified staff turnover rate higher than 15%.
Board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Somerton School District and to the general public that the Somerton School School District Governing Board will hold a regular board meeting open to the public at 5:30 PM every second Tuesday of each month. The meeting will be held in person and virtually.
To view board meetings virtually, please click the button on the right to access our Youtube Channel. Once the board meeting starts, you should see a live video in our channel. If you subscribe to our channel, you will get a notification once we go live.
Omar Duron, M.ED
For more information, please contact Mary Chavira, (928)341-6003.